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Alan Mansfield

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Rebuilding Smile with Porcelain Dental Veneers

Sometimes, a beautiful smile is all you need to showcase your personality. However, people with crooked, chipped or discolored teeth often find themselves shying from interacting with other people around them; and it hurts them emotionally. Thankfully, there are options in dentistry that can be used to rebuild the smile. One of such options is the application of porcelain dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers are the porcelain shells made to fit over the front of your teeth. These shells are quite strong and are shaped and colored to match with the sequence and color of your remaining teeth.

To get veneers, your teeth first need to be prepared. The preparation primarily involves removal of about 1 millimeter of tooth enamel from the front teeth. Then, an impression of inside of your mouth will be taken and sent to the dental lab where veneers are prepared.

Upon preparation, the dentist will use special cement like material to attach the veneer onto your tooth.

Is it a good option?

The teeth which get chipped, cracked or discolored are the good candidates for dental veneers. Veneers can also help when there is a small gap between the teeth and it needs to be covered due to its bad appearance. In some instances, the cases like minor crowding and cross bite can be fixes with the help of veneers.

You need to discuss the plan about getting veneers with your dentist. You can tell the dentist how you would like to get veneers. You can tell about the smile you want to get. Your dentist may be able to show you the computer generated preview of your smile which you would get after application of veneers.

Benefits and pitfalls

One of the greatest benefits of getting veneers is that you will not have to lose much of the tooth’s structure. Only a little etching will do the job. In most of the treatments, very little to no anesthesia is required. Veneers are usually made of the materials which are resistant to stain from coffee, tea, and other teeth staining foods.

Although the amount of enamel lost during the process is very little, it is irreversible. Once attached, the color of veneers cannot be changed. So you have to make sure that you have worked well with your dentist while selecting the shade. After the application, you may suffer from temperature sensitivity for a few days. Although veneers are strong, they can get damaged if you bite on fingernails and other hard objects. So, you need to get rid of those habits.

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